BCT Trail Maps
Bourne Conservation Trust INDEX
Red Brook Pond Conservation Area
Trail Manners
Bourne Conservation Trust expects visitors to exercise common courtesy when using the trails. Special attributes of BCT properties are the human scale, the convenience to nearby residential areas and the intimate weaving of nature with settlement that is BCT's primary objective. By definition, this means you will be close to private properties and homes.
Please stick to the trails, be sure your canine friend does too, and remember to scoop the poop. Don't mar the natural beauty with motorized vehicles, hunting, fires or litter. Listen to the birds, smell the flowers, drink in the views, enjoy the serenity and be thankful there are still havens like this in a busy world.
BCT Trail Meisters
News from Out on the Trails with our Trail Meisters!
••• 2025 •••
••• 2023 •••
••• 2021 •••
The BCT Trail Meisters are delighted that our goal of $3 million has been met so they can get started making new trails in the Baxendale Woods.
They are responsible for building and maintaining all the trails in the BCT system. To see what they do, check out Dick Boyden's "Out on the Trails" columns in the BCT newsletters: https://bourneconservationtrust.org/newsletters.html
These Cataumet Greenway Trail Meisters are, L-R, Dick Murphy, George Gillis, Jay Fisher, John Holden and Dick Boyden. Missing from photo, Bill Farley. They are six of the 11 Trail Meisters.
Read the article, "Promises to Keep" written by Chris White; photographer Tyler Fields; published in CAPE COD LIFE.
"Promises to Keep" is a great back story about the history of the Baxendale property, and why it makes sense for the Bourne Conservation Trust to be its permanent steward.
From BCT Newsletter-Issue 45, pg.4 - 2011
VISIT our NEWSLETTERS Page for all issues of BCT Newsletter.
More Thanks Along the Trails
There are updated signs and trail maps at Little Bay, thanks to our Trail Meisters.
The BCT has assembled a great team of Trail Meisters who oversee the care and maintenance of our trails. And as you know there are many trails. Like the rest of us, the Trail Meisters cannot be in all places at all times and cannot know what has happened on all the trails. That's where many of you come in. Thanks go out to our trail and dog walkers who notify us of problems (broken branches; downed trees, etc.); pick up and dispose of trash; carry clippers to trim new growth; and provide support to the Trail Meisters.
As always, special thanks go to our Trail Meisters: Dick Boyden, Bill Dibella, Jay Fisher, George Gillis, Don Mears, Rick Rheinhardt, Carl Wirsen, Joe Hurley, and John Woodley. The BCT would not be the same without you!
To report blow downs or other problems along the trails, please email the BCT: bct.trails@gmail.com or call 508-563-2884